Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mary or Martha?

Luke 10:38-42

Are you a Mary or a Martha?

When Jesus came to town, sisters Mary and Martha invited Jesus over for dinner. As Martha busily prepared dinner and did all the kitchen work, Mary soaked up all of Jesus' teachings: "Mary sat before the master, hanging on every word he said" (Luke 10:39) Martha become angry that Mary wasn't helping her and asked Jesus to tell her to help. But Jesus rebukes Martha saying: "Martha, dear Martha, you're fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it--it's the main course, and it won't be taken from her." (Luke 10:41-42)

So are you a Mary or a Martha?

Do you find yourself, like Martha, busy running around taking care of everything for everyone? Do you feel you don't have time for yourself because you are always taking care of others? There are many wonderful and commendable things about the Marthas of the world. They serve others, multi-task, balance home and work, raise children, and run around constantly. The thing they do not have is time and space to breathe. Jesus tells Martha she needs to learn to slow down and experience the God moments in life. Marthas need to realize they will never ever complete their to-do list. There will always be work to do. But, if we become so consumed with our doing we lose our sense of being. Mary gets this and soaks up the moment.

We would all do well to help the Marthas in our life slow down by telling them to rest and helping them. Give your spouse a night off from whatever household chores and duties they perform. Give yourself a true sabbath day and do not feel guilty! If we do not take time for God, time will pass us by. If we do not make time for God moments or enjoy them when they present themselves, we will lose ourselves.  I pray we can all balance our Martha-like tendencies with some Mary time.

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