Friday, March 15, 2013

Humble Thyself

Luke 14:1-24
When he noticed how the guests chose the places of honor, he told them a parable. Luke 14:7

There is a fine balance between having a healthy self-esteem and being full of oneself. Many people go through life being told and feeling that they are inferior. Feeling this way distorts the God-given reality of who we are as children of God, beautifully made and with gifts to offer the world. For those who see themselves as less-than, what is needed is to continually be reminded  how much they have to offer. The reverse is also a distortion. When a person feels they are superior to others and no longer can see their faults, they have a false understanding of self. To be faithful we need both healthy self-esteem and healthy humility. We need see ourselves as children of God and worthy of the divine inheritance we share through Jesus Christ. We also need to see that others are children of God are deserving of respect and honor.

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