Thursday, December 12, 2013

Judgment and Repent

Therefore because you trample on the poor and take from them levies of grain, you have built houses of hewn stone, but you shall not live in them; you have planted pleasant vineyards, but you shall not drink their wine. For I know how many are your transgressions, and how great are your sins— you who afflict the righteous, who take a bribe, and push aside the needy in the gate. Amos 5:11-12

How we spend our money matters to God and reveals our true values.  All we have is a gift from God and we called to good stewards of the resources at our disposal.  God's hope is that we would use our resources to be a blessing in the world.  Far too often however, we use our resources for our own purposes and neglect God's commands.  Each of us is called to repent and seek the transforming power of God's love.  The good news is that we are given a new chance and a new way through Christ.  But every now and then we need to hear from Amos and the prophets. 
Amos offers a startling indictment against the people of Israel.  They have forgotten the goodness and mercy of God and failed to care for the poor.  They have built beautiful homes, pleasant vineyards, and have an abundance of everything while they "trample" on the poor.  God's judgment comes in the form of the Assyrians who will conquer God's people and lead them away in exile.  Because they have neglected to love their neighbor and remember God's goodness and commands, they are no longer under the blessings of God.  Similarly, when we lead lives that are against God's vision for life we will struggle to find peace, happiness, and meaning in life.  It doesn't mean God is punishing those who oppose God's ways.  It means when we live life only for ourselves and neglect our neighbor we will reap what we sow.  We are the masters of our own destruction.  But it is not too late and despite the harshness of Amos' critique there is always hope in the voice of the prophets.  "Seek the Lord and live." (5:6)  Seek the Lord, seek out God's ways and you will be blessed and become a blessing for others.

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