Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter: Resurrection Glory

Read: John 20:1-18

Have you ever been so excited you could hardly contain yourself? So filled with joy that it just spilled out of you? At one time or another we have felt this way, but have we felt this way about our Lord? Today is a day of celebration and joy. Today is a day of excitement and energy. Today is the day we proclaim the amazing work God did through Jesus. Today is resurrection day, the day Jesus rose from the grace and conquered sin, death, and evil. Today is a day of celebration!

When Peter and the beloved disciple hear word from Mary Magdalene that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, they ran to see. They ran to see if it was true, they ran filled with fear, doubt, and hopeful expectation. They ran to see the Lord. Do you have this excitement about Jesus? Are you running to meet the Lord?

When the disciples and Mary see the tomb empty, their excitement turns to doubt and fear as they believe Jesus has been taken away. Mary was afraid someone had stolen Jesus' body and that he wouldn't receive a proper burial. The resurrected Jesus then appears to Mary to bring her peace and presence. After mistaking him to be a gardener (I love that), Mary realizes that Jesus had not been moved, he had been raised! Mary's excitement and joy over seeing Jesus is tremendous. Jesus then tells her: "do not hold onto me" because he had to ascend to heaven.

This revelation is vitally important for us, that in the joy and celebration of Easter we realize that we cannot hold onto Jesus. God is on the move in the world and expects us to be moving too. The best way to experience resurrection glory is see and feel presence of God in the world: in the people we meet, those we love and serve, and those who bring us comfort and peace. God is alive and working in the world, thanks be to God!

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