Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Contagious Energy

Have you ever known someone with contagious positive energy? The kind of person when you spend time with them you feel better? There are those whose mere presence has a way of lifting the spirits of all they meet. Such people are a true gift from God and we need more of them in our lives! My friend Tom Martin is one of these people in my life. He is always filled with energy and enthusiasm for life and has always lifted my spirit and mood. It is not really what Tom says or does that makes a difference, it is just...his presence.

I have thought about this idea of contagious positive a lot recently. I have been looking at the call stories of the early disciples. Jesus simply walks up to Peter, Andrew, John, James, Philip and simply says "follow me." (Mark 1:17; John 1:43) What I simply cannot get over is how basic and simple Jesus' words are, and yet how incredibly effective, as they all immediately leave their lives to follow Jesus. In fact, sometimes when Jesus calls a disciple to follow he not only says simple things he sometimes says truly bizarre things.

When Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards him, he said of him, ‘Here is truly an Israelite in whom there is no deceit!’ Nathanael asked him, ‘Where did you come to know me?’ Jesus answered, ‘I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you.’ Nathanael replied, ‘Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!’ (John 1:47-49)

The story of Nathaniel is quite interesting on a number of levels, but his encounter with Jesus is particularly interesting. Nathaniel is brought to Jesus by a super-pumped and enthusiastic Philip (a key behavior of disciples--helping people encounter Jesus) and is initially quite skeptical of Jesus. When Jesus tells Nathaniel that he "saw him under the fig tree" Nathaniel confesses his faith in Jesus. Nathaniel becomes a believer/disciple because Jesus tells him he saw him under a fig tree? what? Why would this convince a skeptical Nathaniel? Wouldn't you want a bit more explanation and convincing?

The more I have thought about these stories the more I am convinced that it is really not what Jesus said that was important. There is something about an authentic experience of God that is beyond words, beyond description. I believe the first disciples knew who Jesus was not by the power of his words, but through the power of his presence. Jesus had supernatural spiritual energy that was contagious to all whom he encountered. When people met Jesus, and felt the presence of God, they knew everything they needed to know.

Many of us have had "God moments" that are integral to our faith, moments which define our relationship with God, moments which define our lives. These moments are encounters with the crucified and risen Christ, encounters that transform lives, encounters which are beyond words. I have had these God moments and been so filled up with God's love, grace, and presence that I could not help but to share it. When I share my God moments with others, my words often fall short and fail to convey the energy and enthusiasm I intended.

All this brings me back to Philip and Tom Martin. We know that God has freely poured out love and grace and hope in our lives. We know God has given us this gift to share with the world. We also know that it is not the power of our words which will be compelling, but the power of our presence. If we could have a contagious spirit of God, and help people encounter Jesus we could make a huge impact in our world.

The question of the day is: how do we get contagious positive energy? And once we get it, how do we keep it?

For me, my spiritual energy comes from being connected to God. When I feel connected to God, my energy and enthusiasm for sharing Jesus goes way up. When I feel disconnected to God, spiritually dry and used up I have no energy at all. I have found when I take regular time to have deep discussions about faith, mission, church, and what God is up to I am re-energized and excited to share myself as Philip does.

Do you have a contagious positive energy for God?

What feeds your spirit? What re-energizes you spiritually?
Do you take regular time to get energized?

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