Monday, January 5, 2009

Still Days

Now that all of the presents have been opened, the food has been eaten, and family members have returned home, what is next? Each year we hustle like crazy preparing for and anticipating the Christmas celebration, and each year we inevitably suffer a post-holidays let down. After so much excitement, is there anything more depressing than a return to normalcy?

In many ways January is a most depressing month: the weather is cold and dreary, there are no more big social gathering to attend, and by now our New Year’s resolutions have already been broken. It all sounds so awful doesn’t it? Yet for me this time of year is truly wonderful, and not just because I really enjoy cross country skiing. We are given great opportunities in non-exciting times to examine our lives and make important changes. It is in times of quiet, when I have a chance to reflect, that I have moments of insight and self-discovery. It is moments of true stillness I have felt most deeply the presence of God.

“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10

This is one of my favorite scripture passages because it reminds me to calm down and make room for God in my life. In fact this verse from Psalm 46 can be a mantra of sorts with me. Whenever life gets hectic and out of control, taking time to seek the peace and presence of God can make a huge difference

Perhaps the quiet and still days to come are opportunities to connect in a deeper more meaningful way with God. Perhaps the days to come will give you an opportunity to reflect upon your life and your priorities and make needed changes. Wherever you happen to be in life, take time this season to be still and feel the presence of our Lord. The stillness of January is a blessing and I pray you find peace and strength in the days to come.

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