Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Carnal Knowledge

What does it mean that Jesus was born today? What is Christmas all about?

In the past several years I have grown more and more cynical about Christmas. I am not a militant "let's put Christ back in Christmas" type, those who feel compelled to object to any politcal correctness or perceived assaults on Christmas. No, for me it is simply the thought-- this isn't how it is supposed to be. Shopping, parties, obligatory gift giving, consumerism--it all leaves me feeling cold. Is Christmas in America what God had in mind? Or are we missing something?

If I were to reclaim Christmas, it would have nothing to do with a nativity scene at city hall. Christmas is fundamentally about the fact that God came to this world to live among us. "And the Word became flesh and lived among us" (John 1:14) This Word is the word that was present at creation,the Word was with God and was God, the Word that God spoke that brought creation into being, the Word that became a human being in order to free all of humanity from a world of darkness and despair. The Word is Jesus Christ and is God's best and only strategy to change the lives of individuals and the world. In order to reclaim christmas, we must reclaim the original story of Christmas, the story of God's love poured out for all of the world.

I find the fact that God's strategy for changing the world was to become like us, to take on flesh and live like we live, truly remarkable. Certainly God with the whole all-knowing, all-powerful thing could have simply spoken the word and fixed everything. But God doesn't want a world of perfection, but a world where people faithful serve and love one another. God does this by living life as we live, filled with the fullness of human existence. Jesus experienced joy, laughter, love, pleasure, pain, sorrow, and despair. He experienced the fullness of life to deepen a connection between us and God, to connect God and humanity in a life-giving and blessed way. Jesus also shows us how to live a life of faithfulness, humility, and peace. He teaches us to be passionate about God, life, justice, and one another. Jesus opens our eyes and our hearts to live the life God intends for us. The Christmas story is a story about God's unconditional love for us.

When we follow the example of Jesus' life and love one another with the love of God, we can change the world. Jesus shows us how to live and to love, and frees us from our bondage. When we celebrate Christmas we celebrate God's amazing love and grace, freely given to all, a love and grace which changes lives.

So let each of us celebrate with joy the awesome gift we have been given and know we are loved, and share that love with all we meet.

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