Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land I will show you.” Genesis 12:1
The Story of Abraham is a story of great faithfulness and trust. Abraham is told by God to leave his home, his family, and everything he knows to go to place the Lord will show him. Abraham didn’t know where he was going or how long it would take; he simply trusted God would lead him where he was intended to go. It is because of his great faith and trust that Abraham is recognized as the “father” of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faith. What is particularly striking to me is Abraham’s willingness to go on a journey of faith and that he discovers himself and God’s plan for his life along the way.
We are all on a journey in life and certainly with God. While we may often wish to plan out our every decision and chart a course for our life, more often our journey is filled with surprises, setbacks, and moments of grace. Abraham learned how to be faithful by going on his journey, not by knowing everything in advance. Similarly, the first followers of Jesus were not called “Christian” but people of “the way.” The early disciples realized that being faithful to God involves moving out of our comfort zones and trusting God to lead us where we need to go. It is never easy to depart from the safety of the known, but faithfulness requires that we move past of fears and need to control and move toward the path of discipleship.
We are all on a journey in life and certainly with God. While we may often wish to plan out our every decision and chart a course for our life, more often our journey is filled with surprises, setbacks, and moments of grace. Abraham learned how to be faithful by going on his journey, not by knowing everything in advance. Similarly, the first followers of Jesus were not called “Christian” but people of “the way.” The early disciples realized that being faithful to God involves moving out of our comfort zones and trusting God to lead us where we need to go. It is never easy to depart from the safety of the known, but faithfulness requires that we move past of fears and need to control and move toward the path of discipleship.
What is holding you back from going for God?
Do you truly trust God in your life or do you really prefer to be in control?